
Why Refugees?

We want the world to focus on all refugees. This is a huge issue and we want to bring attention to this ongoing humanitarian crisis. ZHeart Global is currently focusing on the 5000 Liberian refugees at the forgotten Buduburam Refugee Camp in Accra, Ghana. See 'Liberian Refugees' Tab.

War has been a major problem in the world. As everyone knows, Africa has not been spared from the consequences of civil wars, terrorism wars and tribal wars. but at the end all of them withdrew their assistance and now there is a group of Liberian refugees that are suffering in Buduburam Camp in Accra, Ghana.

In Accra, in Buduburam area, there is still some 5,000 Liberians refugees who were abandoned and forgotten by authorities of Ghana and Liberia, even by United Nation in charge of refugees. This group of 5,000 people and the condition of living has been degrading for the last ten years. Finding food has been relief is their primary goal for they have nothing to take survive.

In his quest to survive, Matthew D., one of the refugees joined a global online humanitarian community to see if could find someone willing to help. It was there he met with Robert Zarren from California in the US. His new friend who was willing to listen and learn about Matthew's circumstances and the humanitarian crisis that he was experiencing. That is how ZHeart Global became involved.

All 5,000 refugees have benefited from the humanitarian actions of ZHeart Global. Besides the food that was supplied, Moringa powder was sent from Moshi, Tanzania to help these refugees as ZHeart Global believed something had to be done to keep these people from starvation.

ZHeart Global has been able to leverage its limited resources so far, However, alot more is needed aand funding is crucial to the 5000 refugees so they do not starve to death. The ultimate goal is to keep them alive so tjhat they can go back home Liberia.

A repatriation program to Liberia their country of origin is still our plan. This project of repatriation is estimated to be about 3 million dollara cost. US($3,000,000).

As of January 15, 2024, Matthew's family of seven will be repatriated. The oldest daughter was sponsored by ZHeart Global to continue and complete her studies in Monrovia, Liberia. She has been in Monrovia, Liberia since May 2023.

The global refugee crisis is a very large issued. The scope is way larger than ZHeart Global can handle any time soon. We are bringing attention to the problem and calling on individuals and organization that can assist these people suffering in the world especially in Africa to join hands with ZHeart Global to change the narrative.

Donate to help us to feed more refugees.

ZHeart Global will respond by sending Moringa powder to refugees from our future various harvesting locations. Currently we are harvesting in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania.

Please Give Generously
Refugee Food Distribution
Hungry Liberian Refugees