
Moringa Relief, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

Pilot Location, Location #1

Moringa Relief is for local relief directly addressing hunger locally.
Moringa Relief is not a business for profit nor for export. Currently around the world, industrial farming is primarily for export. We intend to focus on education and on growing and harvesting Moringa to feed the neediest locally.

The first of hopefully many Moringa Relief locations in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. As we expand in this area, we hope to take those lessons and apply them to other areas throughout the world.

This project was introduced to Shaban by Robert 'ZHeart' Zarren. As part of Robert's global humanitarian project 'ZHeart Global', he asked his Facebook network to go find and identify mature Moringa trees around where they live. Shaban was the first person to find a local Moringa tree and to videotape himself in the tree. Next, Shaban followed Robert's invitation and used it for himself first, then introduced it to the orphanage center where he volunteered and in the process, he was able to locate and identify more than 50 trees around his area. Shaban loved how the Moringa made him feel when he prepared some for himself. The orphans also liked it very much and seemed to have more energy. After Shaban did that, Robert suggested that in order to have more Moringa trees in the area, they can plant Moringa seedlings in order to help local people and outsiders who are in need of food.

Early January 2023 before the rainy season, ZHeart Global began by purchasing and planting 150 Moringa seedlings. While doing this they also helped refugees and orphans in Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Kenya and Malawi with already crushed Moringa (leaves, stems, seeds) as part of our 'Moringa Relief' project. Crushed Moringa was chosen because it lasts longer without spoiling.

In addition, so far 70% of our trees are doing well and hopefully we will increase the quantity of crushing harvested Moringa leaves, seeds and stems into powder. We are focusing locally first, on school children, orphans and the elderly helping the neediest. Even with very little funding, Moringa Relief has touched many hearts by introducing them to this miracle tree.

For this reason our project is 100% humanitarian, aimed at saving the neediest around the world. Ideally, we can help end malnutrition and other humanitarian disasters caused by the shortage or lack of food by introducing and educating people about this miracle tree called Moringa Olifera. Moringa is the most nutritious natural food found in the world so we encouraging education and training to local people so they can see this and make the use of it to save themselves and future generations to come. We encourage local governments to put this into their agendas to achieve the goal of ending hunger issues around the world.

Help us to increase the use and awareness of Moringa Olifera with your Donation.

Shaban- Moringa Relief Ambassador East Africa
Healthy 7 month old Moringa Tree
Same tree 9 months old 10 feet tall
Seedling at 11 Months
Same tree 11 Months old & 14 feet tall